Wednesday, 2 October 2013

See the Liquid Amber bud-ding

The title for this post is inspired by an old movie that I stumbled across a few years ago on community TV. It was called The Perils of Pauline, from 1947. There's a delightfully funny scene where the hero's best friend teaches the heroine how to enunciate her words properly.

'Round, like an orange', he forms his words with exaggerated precision.

And then he follows it up with the equally well-articulated, 'see the chrysanthemums budding'.

Hilarious non-sequiteur sentences that
so didn't belong in daily conversation, they absolutely had to be included in daily conversations. I'm delighted to be able to use the sentence in a legit way!

And now you can see why the Liquid Amber is bud-ding!

(You know, it's amazing what you can find online; I couldn't remember the film title, when it was made, or who was in it... And you know how I found it? A search on the phrase 'round, like an orange'!! Then it was a quick trip to YouTube to doublecheck my memory. Unbelievably, the entire movie is online. In colour. Oranges and chrysanthemums get their mention around the 15-minute mark. Have a look!)


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