Saturday, 21 June 2014

Un-bear-ably Cute

This is a very simple drawing, but I like the wide-eyed curiosity in the baby's face, and I especially love the adult's loving, caring gaze. 

I don't usually manage to get expressions  so perfect. Glad I did here. 

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Monday, 16 June 2014

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Saturday, 7 June 2014

June Theme: Sketches

I'm giving myself a nice and easy June theme - sketches!

Including, and not limited to, sketches, drawings, doodles, noodles, little cartoons...

And definitely diving into the 'here's one I prepared earlier' bucket for this theme. 

Some fine print: all drawings, photos and text are mine and copyrighted etc, of course. 

Now, where did I put my sketchbook...

Monday, 2 June 2014

Winterscape: Romantically Bleak

"I've got the violin ready to wail in abject misery, if you'd care to slip into something a bit more sullen..."

Beautiful, but such a bleak vibe! 

Rather appropriate though, seeing as we're tipping officially into winter...

Sunscape: A Moment of Light

For something totally un-photoshopped, I think this is beautiful!!

Waterscape IV: Memories of Water

Memories of a hot summer's day, where life is always simpler.