Happy Birthday to my blog, AMIAM (A Month in a Minute)!
It made it - I made it - to the one year mark!!
One of the things I was really keen to do when I finally started AMIAM, was to make sure I committed, and that I didn't let it lag behind in the big bin of 'fallen good ideas'. It was part of the reason I hesitated for several weeks before finally taking the plunge.
And let's see - I haven't set the world on fire - so thank goodness, that wasn't my sole raison d'etre and ambition when I started. And yes, I did lag a little bit across particular months, so that, rather than being a daily photo on a monthly theme, it can be more pedantically (accurately) described as including 'a photo for everyday of the month, around that month's theme'.
It didn't always happen within the confines of the month it should have, but hey, some credit! I've always caught up, and managed to keep going!
It's been a great, creative challenge to find an interesting and flexible theme each month, and then to have to find images/compositions around that theme. 30+ images every month! It's actually harder than it sounds. I've had to consciously make time to search for images or to notice good compositions and do something about them (ie, take a photo!), and it's been the perfect 'needle' to maintain fresh, creative eyes to the world around me - which is one of the main things I had wanted to do with AMIAM.
And I'm very pleased to say I've succeeded! For a whole year!! :-)
One of the entries I've been most chuffed about has been my little piece on my Boule et Bill comics which I tweeted and mentioned the publisher, Dargaud, AND THEY RETWEETED IT!!!!!
(Obviously still excited about this - months later!! It's as close to the BD ('Bande Dessines' - comics in French) world as I've ever been! And I continued to receive hits on this blog entry for weeks after... The retweet that keeps on giving! :-)
And here's to the next year - and a whole bunch of monthly themes that I haven't even dreamed of yet...
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