- has slept in because she forgot her alarm;
- looks completely dishevelled, with tangled hair skewing in all directions, with smudged eye make-up that only seves to highlight her popping eyes, and with mismatched clothes (pin-striped pants with plaid jacket anyone?) that are wrongly buttoned;
- is trying to run helplessly for a bus she has no chance of catching, with coat anchored only through one arm as the rest flaps behind uselessly;
- then breaks a heel.
Cut to her racing through the doors of her office frantic, saucer-eyed, and sucking in great gulps of air; each in-breath is accompanied by an involuntarily loud screech that skewers up an atonal scale and sends shivers down the spines of any unfortunates within hearing distance.
Then her briefcase bursts open. Her weekly supply of lunchtime tins of tuna spill out.
And that is how I have raced to my blog now to bring it up to date.
I could have chosen to pretend the delay has been on purpose and that I'm not ruffled by my delay at all. But where's the fun and drama in that?
Ahem, and on to the formal announcement.
My February theme is "covers".
Book covers, record covers, DVD covers and why I like them. Or maybe, why they bug me. No logic or rhyme or reason or reference (or deference) to popular opinion, if any. Just my opinion.
I might extend my focus to other pop culture items; I'll see how I go.
I'll be sticking to items I have or that I own rather than include externally-sourced covers.
Regains breath, smooths hair into acceptably tidy, if windswept and sporty, bun. Straightens mid-matched clothing with a brisk tug.
Let's get rolling, shall we?!
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