Saturday, 15 February 2014

Girly / Chick Lit cover #1

Victoria Connelly: A Weekend with Mr Darcy. Avon. 

I'm a sucker for this sort of cover illustration. Light and girlish - the sort of book I can whip through in an afternoon. 

Throw in a Pride and Prejudice (P&P) reference and I'm sold!

Although, having said this, I wasn't initially sold. I remember the first time I encountered it. I'd recently been burned by a couple of Chick Lit* books - where annoying people either don't get their come-uppance, or they get brushed aside (after pages and pages earlier on of experiencing their irritating behaviours in full glory), or there are too many TSTL** moments to further the plot. 

I was killing time in a department store, enjoyed the first few chapters, but couldn't trust myself to get a copy. I do this from time to time actually if I'm not sure. I go away and if the book stays with me, I feel annoyed with myself for not getting a copy, and I go back and get it. Except of course when I did go back, this book was no longer there!

So when I had a chance encounter with it a couple of years later, I grabbed it with comical alacrity. 

* I'm not up to date with the to-ing and fro-ing about whether Chick Lit is an "appropriate" term. I just use it to describe the light-hearted, fluffy, cup-of-tea-treat of book I enjoy reading from time to time. 

**Too Stupid To Live

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